Where am I at now..well I'm now 47lbs down, which is 3st 5 (and 2pounds over what I'm projected to have lost - I'm meant to be 45lb down at the moment). I'm looking at my 3.5st award next week, diet permitting. And my water retention seems to have kicked in already, so it might be a small loss next week, that's what I'm expecting. A pound would be great. A gain would be sad and ruin the trend of the graph but I can't say I'm not expecting it...
I haven't purchased the workout shoes (3st reward) because essentially I have no money. Paying the rent this month is even going to be a struggle. I haven't got my 40 and 45lb charms yet either (would rather get a load at once anyway) due to similar reasons really.
Generally this week has been awful, because for one reason or another, my appetite has been really low, and still has continued on to this week. Yesterday my landlady made me dinner which must've been the more than I ate in the four days prior. I'm still full having eaten nothing last night! It's just really uncool - if you are reading this and you are a dieter yourself DO NOT do this. Although I am due TOTM in the coming week and that's partially to blame, I think yesterday's meal, having not eaten much in the days prior, has sent my weight a bit weird. It's gone up this week by a lot already. Hopefully it will come back down again but I don't know if I can guarantee a loss (which makes me really sad)
OH I FOUND WEETABIX. Quite a while ago. Still getting the water into my system, probably about 1.5-2l a day still, especially when I'm working.
On a lighter note, I can't remember when I was last this weight. Probably when I ballooned when I was 14/15 or so. Joy.
Another lighter note (christ, the pun just hit me), I am over halfway (JUST) on my weight loss journey! Halfway would be a 13st 4.5 loss, I am now 3st 5 lighter. I was discussing with someone yesterday who has done what I set out to do (and exceeded that, she's now on a 101lb weight loss) and pointed out that she felt the same as I currently do - I feel underwhelmed. I feel this because I am still quite sizeable (noticeably slimmer, I'd hope, but still sizeable) and because I still have *so far* to go! But as she pointed out, I have come further already than I still have to go. Which made me clock that, if I can do it for this long and only start to see cracks now (well, and the last month - although, admittedly, I am in a new job and in a foreign country too, we all knew I'd be stressed somewhat), then I can manage this a little longer, surely? I'm projecting myself to have lost it all by March 25th at the latest (well, I will have half a pound to go in March 18th). Tbh except for the cake in the staff room which I am still resisting heeeee-ugely, I am basically surrounded by good healthy wholesome food. I can see that continuing, especially due to the fact I'm in the flat by myself (I seriously need to move out btw, another thing that is hindered by the fact that I have no money!!
And as I have no Rafiki gems for you today, I might just put up a happy song. In a seriously weak attempt to brighten this up slightly, courtesy of the Rumble Strips -Please listen, it's wicked :D
Thanks for reading this, and if you've continued to read it, and if you will continue to read it (even better!), you're all amazing xxxxx