

Monday 21 January 2013

A brief note....

So this was weird today...I've lost 66 (.5) pounds and I weigh 166.6. I feel like the devil's on my toes.


One of my new years resolutions was to read more (thus far, successful). I finished Life of Pi yesterday and the majority of the book is about a voyage that a teenage boy takes to find land after finding himself stranded in the Pacific. The voyage is dated as: 2nd July - 14th February. 227 days.

My first (terrifying) weigh-in (finding out I was the heaviest I've ever been), as you may or may not know, was 2nd July 2012. My original goal chart also points out what weight I'd hoped to be on Christmas eve, NYE, Valentine's day, St Patrick's Day (which was initially my goal week - now extended because of christmas madness and because I'm losing at a slower rate now)

On a couple of my cards in my progress journal I have recorded the following: weight loss between start and start in Spain; weight loss from Spain until Christmas; weight loss from start to new years, weight recorded at new years.

This is the next big occasion for me, I've decided, since finishing the novel, will be 14th February 2013. Not quite the same voyage by any means but an important one nonetheless.

My big actual goal date, which I hope to surpass is 29th June 2013 which is both the date of a friend's wedding but also the anniversary of my graduation. Rather apt, right?

So essentially what I'm saying is, my next big proper update will be the last weigh-in before valentine's day (probably the monday), progress pictures, the lot.

In the meantime, I will update the blog in due course (when I have time) to let people know some tips and how I did it (people are complimenting me and many are asking me, *ME*, for diet advice!!!!!) so please check back now and then to have a little peek, if you want to know how I'm doing.

Nevertheless, I will inevitably be plugging my blog all over the place the week of valentine's day. Keep an eye out :)

Thank you for reading xxxxxxx

Monday 14 January 2013

Progress photos - 29th June to 14th January

Forgot to take my face off the top one and paint etc are being irritating and computer generally rubbish tonight so this'll have to do...

65lbs later....

Health Goals 2013

So, I'm now into my 28th week of dieting. Over half a year. I'm now at the point where - yes, ok, I'm pretty sick of it but due to deluding myself that investing in colourful mediums and displays will alleviate me, my walls will be covered in all kinds of materials to do with dieting.
Yes, a bit crazy, and it might just make me crazy but I can see myself going off the rails without much planning and it'll be nice to have in the background as this busy month progresses
On the one noticeboard, my new years resolutions (as appears in a previous blog post) and a number-replaceable 'lbs off/lbs to go' sticky note type thing..
On the other, various quotes, total weight % so far, 6 mantras by which to live to lose 20lbs without the fad diets, my wedding invite signalling my goal date (rescheduled to 29th June - also the day of my graduation), stats note including date/weight/bmi, some 30 or so pins signifying weight loss for 2013 and, most importantly and the focus of the blog: my health related goals for 2013 - and a brief explanation of why I've picked them
Get to Ten Stone To reach my target weight to make it all worthwhile
(yes, I've not actually announced my weight for obvious reasons. I'm not proud of how heavy I was but now I've not lost this weight I've GOT RID of it - I've got no intention of getting it back again! Now you have some idea of how fat I was! It actually took a comment my wise sister said to finally come out of the metaphorical closet (fridge) with my weight.)
No alcohol until 29th June 2013
Because I've relied on it in shitty times as of late and I know that if I was at home, my behaviour'd be unacceptable. Essentially self-medication. Again, 29th June will be 1 year since graduation/wedding day, so what better time?
Normal BMI - one of the many goals on my list since day 1 (7.5lb to go)
1/2 normal BMI - ditto (23.5lb to go)
Get under 12st - ditto (1.5lb to go - eeeee)
Get under 11st - ditto (15.5lb to go)
Get under 10.5 st - ditto (21.5lb to go)
Get halfway through C25K - Rome wasn't built in a day, hence...
Complete C25k - people are like 'wahey you look great!' I feel better, yes, but I am still a wobbly mess with a stomach that looks like its sponsored by Quakers oats! Have become useless with fitness due to christmas so nows a great opportunity
Keep up running - yeah. Or fitness, either way, depends on the stumps. We'll see.
Look good in blue dress - my body motivation. Its stretchy material aka belly's worst nightmare. In fact, I'm in said dress in my profile picture on this blog (taken mid november, about a stone heavier than now) and people have complimented it. Again, I still have a proper fat belly going on there, want to be rid of it
Stop fucking around in Soler (spanish cafe)
Not really food related. Just because a lot of last term I went there just to browse internet, socialise, and intend to work and end up working about half an hour out of 2/3 hours. Currently using it as my place to read (new years resolution #2)
And if I'm there, I only allow myself green tea.
Basically, to use my time more wisely. Got the idea from the Great Gatsby (In my resolutions, and in his, again)
Essentially once I hit 70lbs which I'm *hoping* will be in the first week of february (not strictly), I'm resetting my weight goals on the side to these various things. 70lbs is now my reward of a Tablet (because I need it) and I'll see how I go with the rest...
I feel myself getting close. Updating the goals to the right of the blog, and being able to include SIX stone just made it feel so real. The fact I'm half a stone off a normal BMI. I don't want to tempt fate but I am finally realising where this is all taking me.
Still have a bit of time to go, about 2stone at least, but the end is nigh....