

Monday, 31 December 2012

New Year's Resolutions: 2013

Sorry I've not blogged, it's all not been particularly interesting...here goes though.

New Year's Resolutions

  • Give up alcohol: I know I've given it up lots of times, so not that impressive. Found that I was fed up of it and pretty certain that it's added flab to my waistband again over the christmas period. Got the rest of the vodka from my last entry, but it's going straight down the sink when I get back to Spain: not worth it, not clever, and not even remotely beneficial
  • Read a book every two weeks: maybe even more in that time
  • Complete C25K and keep up the running : Increasingly scared by this half marathon, let's not go there. If I can do that then it'll be enough for me. Slacked a bit this holiday and suspect it'll go back up again when I go back to Spain
  • Fridge rule: Don't eat things from the fridge unless it's on a plate. And a reasonable-sized-portion plate. No excuses. Hasn't happened so much in the latter part of the year except when christmas has hit, so it'll be easy to get back into that habit.
  • Lost the rest of that 2st 5lbs: I am now 60lbs down and have 33lbs to go to target weight now. It may be slightly more by now but I have decided to skip weigh-in this week (sorry folks, I am far wimpier than I thought..!)
  • Take more time to sit and plan: proven to make yourself more productive
  • Plan small intervals in the day in which to calm down : ditto above.
  • Replace fizzy drinks with water/tea: had this going really well at one point but that has gone back again. Just want to drink more antioxidants and stuff really.
  • Limit my time on 'gadgets' : a given, really, which will come with making lists and scheduling my life I guess.
  • Look for a new job!!! - and finally begin the rest of my life!
  • Keep in contact with people more!!! - especially of late, I've been really terrible at this which is no reflection on the people in my life, just that I think I've got so wrapped up in my own world and I'm so sorry! It ends here!!
Happy new year, guys :) Challenge yourself in the coming year but remember to be realistic with your new year's resolutions. Make a concerted effort to change your life and self! Good luck!!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

A principios de Diciembre

Sorry that I've not blogged in a while - I admit I haven't been in the right place for probably a good...month or so. Which culminated in this being consumed in one night...

Really not proud, but figured that if I don't confront it head on and open up about it then I'll never fight it. I'm happy to say that the bottle has not been touched since that night about a week ago - however, that cannot happen again. I'm surprised that this was after losing 54lbs, I thought my threshold would be lower, and especially since I hadn't drunk more than about one drink a night (on rare occasions) since graduation (29th June) but, apparently my liver has other plans. ANYWAY let's not go down that route.

That might actually be another time to explain the stones on either side, which was something I picked up from a weight loss forum - to track the pounds you've lost and pounds that remain through little pebbles. The pounds lost (with bigger pebbles, admittedly) are on the left, the other pounds on the right. I actually bought two of those containers but really underestimated how many I'd fit in there...the other container is currently being turned into an Exercise 8 ball if that makes any sense (it won't, so I'll explain it anyway) - I'm going to put in all kinds of fitness prompts like "do 20 squats" and that kinda stuff (when I get time to) to motivate myself to just workout when I can - whenever I think of the 'magic 8 ball', I have to pick out something at random, whatever it may be (Getting my ideas from @fitness (who I have recently discovered promotes 'slimming tablets', despite claiming to be so healthy, so I'd advise you to watch out and don't take their word for everything) and @ohheyteresa (who...does not! And who endorses healthy eating and exercise a lot, and has been very encouraging during this weight loss shindig)

Anyway the two big things I want to announce
I am now at 56lbs weight loss, aka I've lost 4st and have got 2st 9 to go now until my target, and a mere 16lbs until I am a normal BMI, so I'm incredibly shocked at where I've found myself now

Secondly, probably against my better judgement, I have agreed to do a half marathon in March. I don't run AT ALL, couldn't even do it in school, so I suspect it will be very much a quick dash power walk if I can even manage that. This is crude but true - I am cacking myself about it. The person I am doing it with pointed out that he hadn't run at all before doing it, no training, and fast walked his first marathon - he's lost about 60lbs and has done quite a few marathons since, I believe about 5 but I might be making that up. It may be more or slightly less.
Tbh, I think his moral support and ill-conceived faith in me and the fact that I'd have a close friend was what made me say yes. 

Well, that and this 'yes man' attitude I've suddenly rediscovered - DAMN YOU DANNY WALLACE.

I don't think I have even half the determination he does but I really need to pick it up now. I'm joining a gym as soon as I get back in january - I have a feeling it won't be enough but dammit, I'll try it! Back to the couch 25k when I get home too! (speaking of going home, I'm afraid to say I'm scared of Christmas and the eat-til-you-puke that will be going on around me. Then again, I have it now ingrained into my head that this is officially my last fat Christmas (until I have kids), so I am aiming not to cheat myself and my progress!

Main thing is, after a few rough weeks, I gave myself a little break after vodkagate last week, and I've picked it back up again this week. Just goes to prove, a little too much over-thinking can add the pressure on you without you even realising. I think what with the town feeling a bit lonely, this didn't help, and I'm overwhelmed by the support that people have given me online or through other means in such a grey time. I've finally admitted to someone here what happened and it's fine to admit you'll slip up at points or that you plummet - the past matters not, it's what you do next to resolve your situation. I now feel in control, thankfully.

Also, I'm so embarrassed to say, I'm writing this in a cafe and (to make final progress pictures) pictures of me in my underpants with a stomach the size of Africa just came up and I'm like AHHHH. And yesterday I realised my tagged huge pictures on facebook could be seen, so I felt it's probably time for another progress photo....this one is actually from two weeks ago, but I've lost about 4lbs in 2 weeks, so nothing's drastically changed in those two weeks. Same "THEN" ape-photo as before, since there are some fucking hideous ones I've just seen on facebook that I can't bring myself to download, lol.

"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee."

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

New Blog Domain!

Too many f's to type in, can't-be-arsed-itis has kicked in. And the pun on the tv show made me smile (not that I even know what Home Improvement is even remotely about)

Which also means, I'm not blogging yet, probably will one day this week. I've lost 2lb this week though, whoo!

Stay Classy xxxx

Friday, 9 November 2012

Scream Egg

First things first, here are the pictures of my 'christmas challenge'. I still haven't added 26 (lady gaga on the top of the tree) because I am absent-minded but here's how it works: I started the weekend before 22/10 weigh-in to track my progress between then and Christmas. During a weigh-in while still in Britain, our consultant Yvonne gave us a little christmas tree with 14 baubles and told us it was 14 weigh-ins til Christmas and to colour each bauble for each pound we lose (ie lose a pound a week = lose 1 st before Christmas. That's incentive, and sounds do-able, yeah? Especially for someone of my size - I've lost 19.5 so far :O). Anyway, through a lot of procrastination and interview of my life, THE MOVE etc, I only managed to do it then, here's my progress since 22/10 weighin (3 weigh ins) blahblah:

So, back to now...

I've had awkward times this week, mainly today, and it rendered me a bit crappy, cranky, anxious. And didn't really have anything to resort to except just kinda throwing myself about desperately, like Lulu at pantomine. I need something to look back at when those times get tough to remind myself what I'm doing and why I'm doing this.

I've been reluctant to do this, but I'm going to upload some progress pictures.

Now, don't get me wrong, I know I still look big (I have a long way to go, after all) and I'm sorry that one of the pictures is still indistinct - only received my camera wire from home this week (not that I have any idea where my camera is) but it's just so that you can see some kind of difference between the ghastly "then" and the (at least, better) "now". It isn't too recent a picture, it's when I was at roughly X-3,10 (I'm now X-3,4). It's from October 24th and my graduation picture is from 29th June 2012 (and trust me, it was as traumatising for me to look through them as it will be for you, to see this utter troglodyte flabbing around in a gown!!!)

Spillzilla wit' yo crazy threads. - 29th June 2012
41 pounds off, 52 to go - Yo en Sevilla - 24th October 2012

(For the record, I am now 47lbs down, as noted in the blog post prior to this :))

I am not sure why the uni chancellor needs a ringbinder at a graduation ceremony. God knows.

So I mean...well, it's progress. I still have a misshapen tummy, no 'gap' between my thighs, heinous bingo wings and my body has more rolls than a chinese buffet. However I also have more defined biceps, tighter calves, and the huge jumpers I sported at uni are now falling off my shoulders. My tummy is smaller. I've gone down about 4 dress sizes. I'm not going to justify the fact that I'm still overweight, it's unhealthy, but I'm making progress which I'm going to continue sticking to.

Which is why I'm letting the exercise properly kick in now. I'm overweight. And that means I already have an advantage over my friends who workout who are not overweight. Perfect opportunity. No marathons or 'Here Wiggo' moments just yet, but it's all progress. I've got other stuff to do, which I will inform you about in the next few days.

When I finally go home (mid-late december), I want to put up one of the more hideous full-length pictures of me in my graduation dress, and then put it on myself and show you the comparison. Hopefully that'll be more representative and I won't be TOO FAT by that point :)

I know now that there is nothing I can make healthier in my diet, just that I need to eat more of it. Therefore, the more I exercise, the more I can stop having a go at myself. On a health forum, I spotted a thread in which its subscribers count up the number of '100%' days they have, where they know they have done their absolute best that day - I want to be able to say that I have done all I can if I hit on hard times again.

Below is a suitable ending note: something that someone very wise made me aware of and I constantly remind myself of it.
And even if you don't know the person, it's written on a teabag so it must be GOSPEL. Lots of love, thank you for reading, stay fit xxxxxx

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

BEEP BEEP BEEP, get on your feet. You've gotta get a job cos you're in too deep

I realise I have not done a proper update that does not include Rafiki or playlists since 19th October, when I hit 2st 8.5lb because I am basically simulating having a life. This will probably be quite boring and average, for that I apologise, but hopefully it can just update you on where I'm at.

Where am I at now..well I'm now 47lbs down, which is 3st 5 (and 2pounds over what I'm projected to have lost - I'm meant to be 45lb down at the moment). I'm looking at my 3.5st award next week, diet permitting. And my water retention seems to have kicked in already, so it might be a small loss next week, that's what I'm expecting. A pound would be great. A gain would be sad and ruin the trend of the graph but I can't say I'm not expecting it...

I haven't purchased the workout shoes (3st reward) because essentially I have no money. Paying the rent this month is even going to be a struggle. I haven't got my 40 and 45lb charms yet either (would rather get a load at once anyway) due to similar reasons really.

Generally this week has been awful, because for one reason or another, my appetite has been really low, and still has continued on to this week. Yesterday my landlady made me dinner which must've been the more than I ate in the four days prior. I'm still full having eaten nothing last night! It's just really uncool - if you are reading this and you are a dieter yourself DO NOT do this. Although I am due TOTM in the coming week and that's partially to blame, I think yesterday's meal, having not eaten much in the days prior, has sent my weight a bit weird. It's gone up this week by a lot already. Hopefully it will come back down again but I don't know if I can guarantee a loss (which makes me really sad)

OH I FOUND WEETABIX. Quite a while ago. Still getting the water into my system, probably about 1.5-2l a day still, especially when I'm working.

On a lighter note, I can't remember when I was last this weight. Probably when I ballooned when I was 14/15 or so. Joy.

Another lighter note (christ, the pun just hit me), I am over halfway (JUST) on my weight loss journey! Halfway would be a 13st 4.5 loss, I am now 3st 5 lighter. I was discussing with someone yesterday who has done what I set out to do (and exceeded that, she's now on a 101lb weight loss) and pointed out that she felt the same as I currently do - I feel underwhelmed. I feel this because I am still quite sizeable (noticeably slimmer, I'd hope, but still sizeable) and because I still have *so far* to go! But as she pointed out, I have come further already than I still have to go. Which made me clock that, if I can do it for this long and only start to see cracks now (well, and the last month  - although, admittedly, I am in a new job and in a foreign country too, we all knew I'd be stressed somewhat), then I can manage this a little longer, surely? I'm projecting myself to have lost it all by March 25th at the latest (well, I will have half a pound to go in March 18th). Tbh except for the cake in the staff room which I am still resisting heeeee-ugely, I am basically surrounded by good healthy wholesome food. I can see that continuing, especially due to the fact I'm in the flat by myself (I seriously need to move out btw, another thing that is hindered by the fact that I have no money!!

And as I have no Rafiki gems for you today, I might just put up a happy song. In a seriously weak attempt to brighten this up slightly, courtesy of the Rumble Strips -Please listen, it's wicked :D

Thanks for reading this, and if you've continued to read it, and if you will continue to read it (even better!), you're all amazing xxxxx

Sunday, 28 October 2012

New Christmas Countdown Ticker

Yeah so I wanted to incorporate this into my post but it's just under my blog title instead. Way too technical for me and the html wouldn't work. See above ^ ^ ^
I WILL make sure that I have lost 62.5lb in total by Christmas Eve weigh-in!!
Also, wish me luck for weigh in tomorrow. Not really sure how it might pan out, I'm currently peeled away from my weighing scales.

I will update you on how I get on tomorrow - I've been quite poorly this week and so it's been a very difficult time. Finally have a day off from the madness/catching up on sleep starting tomorrow evening, so I will have time to write a semi-detailed (not really) review on my progress

Lots of love xxxxx

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

That skit cray

New playlist...

*New post in the next few days when I get a chance. Seville tomorrow, woot! But for now.....*

Have been requested to do this for a few weeks I think now, so I felt it was apt to publish the "jump around" playlist.

I got the idea from finding it difficult to work out while at home, but also from not being able to jump like a woman possessed to songs such as 'Niggas in Paris' or, embarrassingly, the chorus of One Thing (by the abomination that is One Direction - a song which is not in the playlist, as the rest of the song is absolute BALLS and it is beyond me how they even made it to the hearts of many American kids. The mind boggles. Somehow another of their songs has made its way onto there. I hear they make their way into the lives of adult women, in one way or another) (edit I took that song out, you can thank me with chocolate or sexual favours later.)

I digress. Here's it is...

I had toyed with splitting up some of the shitty bits into things such as 'Pop Concerto' and "The Chav Suite" but I figure you can just pick and choose for yourselves. Would apologise for a lot of it being annoying but yknow, if I have too much time on my hands to make my own, you do too! There are some quite ancient slash embarrassing things on here, but they'll bring back fond memories I'm sure.

Oh also, clearly the jumping technique varies. Obviously it depends on the music. It's much more fun if you do it with a friend, however stupid you both look.

Gets the people goin': The Jump Around Playlist
Red Alert - Basement Jaxx
Levels - Avicii
When The Sun Goes Down - Arctic Monkeys
Monkey Man - Amy Winehouse
Goody Two Shoes - Adam and the Ants
Take On Me - A1
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
99 Red Balloons/99 Problems - Nena/Jay Z Mashup
Mama Do The Hump - Rizzle Kicks
Barber's Adagio For Strings - William Orbit
Land of 1000 Dances - Wilson Pickett
Stand And Deliver - No Doubt
You Stole The Sun From My Heart - Manic Street Preachers
Dakota - Stereophonics
Tongue Tied - Group Love
Basket Case - Greenday
Magic Position - Patrick Wolf
Alarm Clock - Rumble Strips
Three Lions 98 - Lightning Seeds (ft. Baddiel and Skinner)
United State of Pop 2011 (World Go Boom) - DJ Earworm
Niggas In Paris - Jay-Z and Kanye West
Gangnam Style - Psy
Baggy Trousers - Madness
The Edge of Glory - Lady Gaga
I Decided - Solange Knowles
Love At First Sight - Kylie Minogue
Praise You - Fatboy Slim
Parklife - Blur
Telephone - Lady Gaga ft Beyonce
Sunchyme - Dario G
Golden Skans - Klaxons
The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani
Twist And Shout - The Beatles
A Little Less Conversation - Elvis & JXL
Let There Be Light - Justice
Spectrum (Say My Name) - Florence and the Machine & Calvin Harris
Warriors Dance - Prodigy
Brimful of Asha (Norman Cook Remix) - Cornershop
Raindrops - Basement Jaxx
We R Who We R - Kesha
D.A.N.C.E. - Justice
I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
United State of Pop 2009 - DJ Earworm
Giddy Stratospheres - The Long Blondes
A Town Called Malice - The Jam
Feel So Close - Calvin Harris
Beautiful Stranger - Madonna
I'm Not Alone - Calvin Harris
Spice Up Your Life - Spice Girls
Buck Rogers - Feeder
Baba O'Riley - The Who
Apply Some Pressure - Mark Ronson/Paul Smith
Animal - Neon Trees
Firestarter - Prodigy
Charlie Brown - Coldplay
Starships - Nicki Minaj
Bass Cannon - Flux Pavilion
Louder - DJ Fresh/Sian Evans
God Put A Smile Upon Your Face - Mark Ronson/The Daptone Horns
Jump In The Pool - Friendly Fires
This Charming Man - The Smiths
Earthquake - Labrinth/Tinie Tempah
Five Colours In Her Hair - McFly
Our Velocity - Maximo Park
Lithium - Polyphonic Spree
Harder Better Faster Stronger - Daft Punk
We Found Love - Rihanna/Calvin Harris
Close To Me - The Cure
Flux - Bloc Party
Cinema - Benny Benassi ft Gary Go
Little Bitty Pretty One - Bobby Darin
Nobody Don't Dance No More (Remix ft KT Pearl) - Kano
Just a Day - Feeder
Omen - The Prodigy
A Thousand Trees - Stereophonics
Bonkers - Dizzee Rascal
That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings
Feel It - The Tamperer ft Maya
Get Up Offa That Thing - James Brown
Keep On Movin' - 5ive
Lust For Life - Iggy Pop
Move On Up - Curtis Mayfield
Mr Blue Sky - ELO
Low - Flo Rida
Goodbye Mr A - The Hoosiers
Wings Of A Dove - Madness
Raise Your Glass - Pink
Smile Like You Mean It - The Killers
Reet Petite - Jackie Wilson
R.I.P. - Rita Ora/ Tinie Tempah
Born Slippy - Underworld
Smile (Digital Soundboy Remix) - Lily Allen
Pinball Wizard - The Who
In For The Kill - La Roux
Going Out Of My Head - Fatboy Slim
All Day and All of the Night - The Kinks
Wearing My Rolex - Wiley
Workout Plan (Chaise Marcel Remix) - Kanye West
Gravel Pit - WuTang Clan
End Credits - Chase & Status ft Plan B
Uninvited - Freemasons
Hello - Martin Solveig/Dragonette
Fit But You Know It (Remix) Ft. Kano, Donaeo, Lady Sovereign & Tinchy Stryder
Ca Plane Pour Moi - Plastic Bertrand
Come Dancing - The Kinks
All For You - Janet Jackson
Uptown Girl - Westlife
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen
Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) - Beyonce
Jump Around - House Of Pain
Can't Stop Moving (Mirwais Mix) - Sonny J
About You Now - Sugababes
Are You Gonna Be My Girl? - Jet
Super Freak - Rick James
Seven Seas Of Rhye - Queen
Toxic - Britney Spears
A-Punk - Vampire Weekend
Mambo #5 - Lou Bega
My Favourite Game - The Cardigans
Pow! (Forward) - Lethal Bizzle
SOS (Rescue Me) - Rihanna
Rockafeller Skank - Fatboy Slim
Move Your Feet - Junior Senior
Mister Mental - The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster
Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO
Jai Ho! - Pussycat Dolls
Blitzkrieg Bop - The Ramones
Rehab (Glee Version) - Glee
Go West - Village People
Don't Stop Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson
Boom Boom Pow - Black Eyed Peas
Let's Get Retarded - Black Eyed Peas
Song 2 - Blur
Reach - S Club 7
Womanizer - Britney Spears
Promise This - Cheryl Cole
Candyman - Christina Aguilera
Just Lose It - Eminem
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
Flathead - The Fratellis
Creepin' Up The Backstairs - The Fratellis
Something Kinda Ooooh - Girls Aloud
Mmmbop - Hanson
Rhythm Bandits - Junior Senior
Hot N Cold - Katy Perry
Bulletproof - La Roux
The Sun and the Rain - Madness
Feels So Good - Mel B
Breathe - Prodigy
Soul Bossa Nova - Quincy Jones
It's Like That - Run DMC/Jason Nevins
Bring it all Back - S Club 7
Number 1 - Tinchy Stryder Ft N-Dubz
Mickey - Toni Basil
Vertigo - U2
You Can't Stop The Beat - Various Artists
We Like To Party (The Vengabus Is Coming) - Vengaboys
Don't Trust Me - 3OH!3

And just because you can't jump around to this but it doesn't mean it's not true...And because it's a beautiful song. And because you all deserve to feel sexy

Just to remind you: New post in the next few days when I get a chance. Seville tomorrow, woot!

Friday, 19 October 2012


Guess which one of these was Neil Buchanan-inspired...
Where I'm at I am 36.5lb down which is 2st 8.5. Got my 2.5st award this week, wish it was more. Been really good this week, touchwood. I'm at 2.4lb ish a week, which I'd like to increase to 2.5lb a week and I'm 1lb under target (which can be amended)

2.5st Reward:As you know from my goals set a while back, I'm due a reward, which I'm going  to save up, partly because I have no money, partly because I don't really want/need the listed items.
An angry bird? Seriously? Get a grip, woman. The bag..well my bag still has a hole in the bottom of it, and the lining means I find lipsticks and pens sporadically  which I won't have seen for 6 months, but otherwise, it's usable so I can hold off for a bit. Plus my shoes are breaking, maybe it'd be better to pick up some new ones instead of a bag..

Generally this week has been difficult. I've come down with some kind of lurgy. Exercise has taken a dive, I haven't indulged in the slightest, instead I've barely had an appetite which concerns me when I don't eat (not because I'm some happy fatty, but because it normally means my weight goes down and back up again when I eat - no change in weight...but that's the thing, there's no change in weight there. Either way, being ill has been a real problem this week, just hope it doesn't affect weigh-in badly come Monday. Planning to try something more cardio on Monday, not sure what yet..

In the meantime, I've been reading up a lot on weight loss etc and drawing graphs and targets etc to remind myself why I'm doing this, of which will be pictured at the end of this post.. I've also written up a kind of "I WILL..." mantra to keep me going, which might seem pretty sad when read. Not sure if I'll upload it just yet, if at all, due to the fact that some are just personal or just laughable to outsiders...watch this space anyway, it might appear here. If I can condone any other writing I publish online, I should be able to condone that. If you're trying to lose weight yourself, make an "I will" mantra, with the results you want to get from your body and how it works!!

Boring Corner, My room, Posadas, Cordoba, Earth, The Universe

I also, to my disgust, wasted an entire evening the other night drawing a christmas tree to record my progress til Christmas on. I want to lose 26lb between now and Christmas. I don't know yet if I'm going home for christmas so I'm obviously SCARED by the eat-til-you-puke marathon, but if I'm, in total, 62.5lb down, I'll have less to fear. But how it works if you colour in the baubles for each pound you lose. At the moment it has 25 but I'm looking for a picture of some thinspiration to put on the top and then to add wings onto the person and a big 26. It'll live on my wall and perhaps a copy will be made for my planner

N-Bukes would be fucking pleased about this.
If it had been actually created by someone of the audience age.

Well, RIP Weetabix, it was fun while it lasted. You will always be in our hearts, if not our metabolism. I've found some all bran fruit and fibre in the supermarket near to me to keep me going for now. Found weetabix minis with chocolate as well today but the c-word (not THAT c-word) is making me hold back a bit.
That';s it. I'll just have to make some manifesto that declares that no one crosses this spanish threshold unless they are carrying weetabix. Options hot chocolate too, which I'm nervous about running out of.


What else? 
I tried artichokes for the first time ever this week, they tasted like bum.
Found some as-healthy-as-can-be spanish recipes - one for salmorejo which is like gazpacho, but it has eggs and serrano ham in/on it. Thankfully I don't like the latter so I can skimp on that, since I'm still off ham. The other is salpicón, which is a fresh fish/seafood salad, which is gorgeous. The one I tried had crab and prawns in it, and I just adore crabmeat. Now that I've found fresh fish stores (just today, actually!) and once I have enough money, I will throw myself at the fishmongers of the town. Boxed octopus with "kraken" written on the back of it just seems incredibly unappealing.

Bought treat food for the first time since mid-August, due to reading about giving yourself a 100kcal treat at the end of each day if you've stuck to your plan. I've eaten carefully but they've remained untouched. For fear that when they're opened, I'll launch myself at them. Speaking of fear, I'm now incorporating carbs into my diet which is...thus far, not working, I still wish they weren't there and I still feel like I'm not getting enough fibre from them. Fibre's been so rubbish this week despite the fact I've incorporated wholewheat carbs and am keeping with the regular fruit and veg, so I know something must change next week, *I am open to suggestions. I will send the required deets if requested*

I get about 1.5-2.5l water into the system in a day. All ice cold because, as predicted, all spanish fridges are set to being AS COLD AS POSS without being a freezer. I picked an egg out of the fridge earlier and the bottom of it had frozen to the box. Yay for my metabolism, anyway! (the eggs shouldn't be in the fridge, but pretty much everything is til my appetite's back to normal, can't afford to waste food. Have had to freeze various foodstuffs because of my appetite becoming weird so that it'll keep fresh. Had bought a ton of fresh fruit and vegetables but the appetite just wasn't there)

Probably the first productive goal I've set eye on yet.

I'd be lying to say it's all been easy recently, I think you can tell from the way this post is far more boring than usual. Can't go into the ins and outs because people will get the wrong idea, I will when I feel less ill.

Oh also it seems that cake in the staffroom is basically a regular thing. Whenever anyone has a birthday, they bring in cakes. And biscuits. And all sorts. I will try a tiny (AND I MEAN TINY)  bit just because the whole point of the year abroad is you don't turn down new stuff, and because I'm generally  rude. People are still trying to feed me despite the fact I am a carload bigger than all of them! 

Trying my best not to eat out (...) but I'm going to Cordoba tomorrow evening/night/morning for dinner and drinks. My main issue is I am tempted by alcohol. Not for the sake of alcohol itself but because I'm nervous about this first night out in Spain, for a couple of years, and not being smashed for it, not even slightly inebriated. I don't quite know how I'm going to get around that - the easiest thing may be to limit myself to two drinks, the easiest thing may be to keep going with the no alcohol stuff. If I were to maintain at this point, it'd devastate me. Especially now that I have that 26pounds to be thinking of in the meantime!

Speaking of goals, and Cordoba actually as well - as some of you might remember, my 2st goal was to get a charm, and then buy charms for each 5lbs I lost. At the time of purchase, my last proper weigh-in was 34lbs, so I limited myself to 6. These were all 3euros each, which is extremely good. Unfortunately the bracelet I'd already bought wasn't cheap enough, but I quite like them being on display in my living room instead as a reminder. I'll get the next charms at the end of each 6 weeks or something, month even perhaps - I think it's better that way. It seems quite apt that they're actually Spanish because my last weigh-in in Britain was my 2st goal, which was the bracelet itself. For me, it feels like a new chapter in the journey and that this has commemorated my move, and the 2st loss.
Here they are - I didn't really pick all of them out myself, but they're quite pretty and delicate close up (not in this photo because I've forgotten my camera wire and my blackberry has a SHITE camera, if you've not already clocked that):
All traditionally Spanish from a little Spanish shop (didn't catch the name),
located near the Mosque-Cathedral in Cordoba
First Row L to R: Bull head, Gitano, Spanish Hat, Horseshoe with 13
Bottom Row L to R: Flamenco Dancer, Castanets, Bracelet

On a lighter note, I think I'm now the weight I was before I went to uni. Goodbye margarita-formal-wine-jagerbomb-dirty-janes-falafel-bullshit-chowing weight. What a disgusting amount of weight to have put on over 4 years!!!!!!!!!!

Please wish me luck, I feel like I might need it to see the next ten days out! And I hope you all have wonderful weekends

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

viva viva viva...

Sorry this has been delayed, but as many of you know, I've been relocating and I'm now typing this from the school I'm working as a language assistant in, in Andalucia. Needless to say, the regime is still at the front of my mind and is still pretty much taking over my life. Which might sound sad (scratch that, DOES sound sad) but it's imperative.

I officially started with lessons only this week, but have known the school for a little over a week now. Arrived on Saturday 28th after no sleep, sky-high ryanair fees (no pun intended) and was picked up by one of the teachers to go back to their's for lunch - thank god that they were an english native because I believe my cerebral juices may have been leaking out of my head by then. So that inspired instant panic - other person cooking for me. But as far as I am concerned, I'm there to embrace the culture, it'd be rude otherwise. I tried my best, what can I say? It seems to have still gone in the right way anyway. There has been so much cake in school, due to various teachers' birthdays and fiestas, that my nerves are shot. Also, my landlady - who is lovely, which is just brilliant compared to past experiences if you know of my experience in St Petersburg or Alcalá de Henares two years ago - is the most excellent cook. She cooked for me the day I moved in (1/10) and although it was all healthy food, it was drenched in oil. I panicked so much. After weeks, I felt my efforts were going to be useless! Effectively lived off mugshots and Slimming world bars for about 5 days - which was so awful and unbalanced but I knew I was going to have to compromise with my diet in the first few days.

Regardless, I lost 1.5lb last week. Not too shabby. Not good and still was a few pounds off my target for that week, but it's not bad. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that I realised that as long as my weight is going down in a downward trend, there's no need to worry - and apart from one slip-up in the second week (maintained), it keeps going down. All the same, there is so much to lose that I'd prefer it to go off quicker, particularly as I'd lost 1,5 the week before, so I had lost 3lb that week instead of the projected 5.

This week, however, I lost 3.5lb. Admittedly, I had upped my game this week - basically snacking on only superfree food (fruit/veg). I'm pretty sure that out of pure boredom alone, I must've eaten about half of a huge lettuce in one sitting. That is massively sad, I should be doing better things with my life.
I began YOGA. Thanks to my friend Teresa, I'd discovered these videos of intensive workouts, one of them being yoga, so I might as well start on the things I don't have equipment for. Soooo, I might well have hugely underestimated it. I only did two sessions last week, want to bring that up to at least 3 this week.
I've also been chugging the water like there's no tomorrow - one of the many advantages to being in this climate. And my fridge is freezing which further helps my metabolism, let's hope.
I'm also still massively on the tea. No way was I going to come out here without a kettle, my dependence on it will last 'forever and a day'...

Also, one benefit to not having had internet in the flat is that I've been leafing through any health article or book I've brought with me. Still got the one book left. But I've written down probably half a notebook full, or so, of things that they advise, and messages of support from online communities - if I've favourited a tweet of yours recently pertaining to this, then it's because it's in/going to be in the book. The book includes a big variety of stuff - book plans, advice, articles, pictures of celebrities (inspiration - bit sad, but I basically live on the crappy magazines that you're told not to read, #guiltypleasure), ideas. Cruel and blunt tips, but then advice about body confidence. There are graphs of my progress in there, most details are in there except how much I weigh myself. Lists of the foods I can eat, and so on....

So this week, I'm at 34lb weight loss (wanted 35lb by this week). Which is starting to seem less and less remarkable. It's still good, and I can't believe I've done it, but I'm getting impatient now! Time to up my game a lot I think. Whether that will happen this week....well, I don't know - I don't feel the fire in my belly. It's very true about the downward trend being the only necessary sign - but I am so competitive! And I'm worried I'll get bored. I'm boring myself just talking about it constantly!! More yoga this week! And still drinking loads of water. And tea, where I can. And need to keep more active. Still haven't found a gym which I really need to, if there is one....

I'm also out of the "60's" in my weight loss - 59lb weight loss, here we come!! I am due 2.5st next week (35lb) at least!!!

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Watch this space...

Because it'll have a new blog post in its place tomorrow.

Sorry I've been slack, I've now moved into Spain and as living plans go, I'm settled. Tomorrow I will have a spare moment to update you on my progress...

Un Besito. xxx

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

My face, after today

I'm so happy!!
Nearly 2 stone down!

Yeah so I'm still nowhere near...but...it's happening!! I'm on my way!
Lost 3.5lb this week which brings my total, in 11 weeks, up to 27.5lbs. That's 2.5lb a week, exactly. Hoping, somewhat, that it was more. But right now, I'm on track and this weight loss is healthy and slow, yet achievable in the long run.

This week, nearer the end of the week, I decided to cut out all of my syns altogether, by substituting them with other things. Replaced olives (4 pitted = 1 syn) for extra green pepper in my stir-fries, replaced hot chocolate (2 syns per portion) with yet more tea! They are the main offenders, so everything else right now is pretty much cut out subconsciously. Have cut out Mugshots altogether this week, I'm only going to go back onto them once I'm in Spain and needing either something different, or if I've run out of money (inevitable) or in school lunch breaks.

So, this week, I stayed at the group. It's now my penultimate session, so it's now wise to stay for the last couple and our consultant brought up the idea of 'Success Express', which I am currently researching before I start it (probably) tomorrow.

Success Express

  • 3 meals a day
  • Each meal must consist of: 2/3 plate = superfree foods (fruit/vegetables) 1/3 - free foods (egg, lean meat, seafood)
  • choose 1 or 2 healthy extra a, and 2 healthy extra b (which can be used as part of the meal)
  • SNACK ONLY on superfree (e.g. fruit, syn free yoghurt)
  • can have 5-15 syns a day, must count the higher syn value

I would say this is similar to the plan I was following near the end of the week - I have no syns, a bowl of cereal every day. The only thing I'd say I've not got in huge amounts is the superfree, although a substantial amount of my diet includes superfree. Now I know where to snack, at least, anyway...I think I need to split some of my bigger meals into a smaller meal + snack, I think this would be best. So I'm going to kick that off tomorrow when I have more time...

So what did we learn at group today: Christmas is in 14 weeks. What!? I thought Mince Pies had only been available for a couple of months???!
We were reminded of christmas in group today - shocker - while we were handed little christmas trees so that we could colour in a bauble whenever we lost a pound (...I'll stick to my welsh pound for £ money box please. But thanks for the encouragement.)
Anyway, through this whole weight loss thing that I've been doing for about eleven weeks, my average loss per week has been 2.5lb per week. Everyone in the slimming world community is saying, both online and even overheard at my local group, 'well, lose a pound a week for the next 14 weeks, and you've lost a stone'. You can see where I'm going with this.

I'm already way ahead of you, fella. And probably ahead of myself, but it's a little harmless prediction that may spur me on...

I'm currently losing about 5lb per fortnight.
2 weeks = 5lb
14 weeks = 35lb..?

So if I keep this up, that'll be another 2.5st off by christmas. What do we reck, is this possible? I'm just hoping now that I won't hit a lull where I keep maintaining each week just due to the fact my body is changing.

How much is lipo in Spain anyway? (Joking, JOKING. I did not come this far to cheat my way to be thin(ner))

If all goes to plan with that, I'll have lost 62.5 which is around 2 thirds towards my target. And by then I imagine I'll look like I've lost a lot of timber (well, one can hope..) This is probably unimaginable by this point, end of december, but I'll be so happy if I can get even near enough to that - being even halfway there would be a massive achievement, and probably shocking to the friends of mine which I've not yet told about this escapade..

So then came weigh-in. 3.5lb off. I'm not saying I'm disappointed but...well..it's 0.5lb off my 2 stone award. WHY does this always happen?! All the same, I got slimmer of the week, which meant I took home all sorts of goodies - namely apples, potatoes and some kind individual added 10 calorie/portion jelly (THANK YOU, I send you good tidings and love whoever you are.) And a brand new shiny sticker on the back of my book, my third in three weeks.

This is now my SECOND slimmer of the week award too! So I've been buzzing quite a lot this evening. Let's hope I can keep it up for next week so that I can buy my charm bracelet (see "upcoming goals on the right) and go away to Spain 2+stone lighter than I thought I would be!!

Slimming World Achievements thus far...(1/2st, 1st, 1.5st,
Slimmer of the week x2, Club 10)

Friday, 7 September 2012

Hate(d) Something, Change(d) Something, Made Something Better.

This week has dragged, I have to say. The weather's been hotter, the house dysfunctional, and I've got details about my upcoming job coming out of my ears (the main cause for my very delayed blogging, sorry). Genuinely, it's taken all I can not to imagine gin-ing myself to death, or to five-finger-pick food in the fridge. I avoid this by drinking so much tea, which cannot be good in the long run. I've neither had alcohol or face-planted the fridge but I feel more inclined to eat now even when I'm not hungry - and it's terrible, it feels as if it's taking its toll. What's worse is I've reached my most recent reward and can't afford it - it's been depressing. I've managed to motivate myself to cross-train enough, but I've not felt right. I've wondered about how to speed this up and although I've not found the anaswer to that, however I've finally found the answer to motivate myself, and I'm going to share this with you.

Everyone hits a lull, I suppose, and I think that ten weeks into this, that isn't too bad (it is suggested that it takes a person 6 weeks to get into a habit so now that I'm where I am, I know that I can't falter for a very long time now especially with this ecletic mix of happiness pounding in my ears)

So, to get out of this, I went looking for a goal-date predictor which I found on a forum (if anyone wants this, to motivate yourself, then forward me your email in a comment or get in touch via my twitter (@flelafel ) and I'll send you this graph. It is an absolutely EXCELLENT graph. You simply enter your details and from that you're told your BMI, BMR, percentages lost and all sorts. You can see it on a chart. Main thing too, is that it shows you when you're predicted to reach your goal. It records your transformation and progress over the course of a year with not too much difficulty. Here's an image (you enter your details in the yellow boxes and then the red arrow signifies where you can opt to see your progress in graph form. If someone like me who can't even format pictures properly can use it, then anyone can!)

From this, I've been able to see my progress in table form and it's put in perspective how much has changed. I'm looking at it differently now because yes, it's gradual and I want it to go faster, but if it's done at a healthy rate, I feel the effects will be more long-lasting.

  • I have lost 22.5 lbs/10.21 kg
  • I have lost 3.49 from my BMI
  • I have lost 98.69 from my BMR
  • I've lost roughly 0.3 pounds per day and roughly 2.5 pounds per week
  • I've lost 24.19% of my target loss (22.5/93)
  • My estimated goal date: March 19th 2013
Seeing your progress on a chart, with very little effort involved except data entry, has made it realise how far I've come, but it's not just the figures that can prove how much I've changed my lifestyle around. A few months ago, I'd get out of puff walking up any incline. I'd laze around in uni eating probably ritz crackers or some equivalent and we'd watch TV vacantly. A friend of mine and I ate whole tubs of Ben and Jerry's to ourselves during our exams in May, now I won't even touch a carbohydrate without thinking twice. It really hit me the other day - when I was packing up my stuff from uni, I couldn't even lift my huge suitcase (hid it in the garage and avoided packing it - sneaky student through and through, and yesterday I carried it up the stairs with no great difficulty. I'm sprinting on the cross trainer. I paid, yes, paid for a couch to 5k app and I'm in my second week, having avoided running for most of my life! Rather than just sneaking in from nights out, I'd be going out to swim at 6am. I'd drink pints and gin in the daytime - I haven't touched even a drop of alcohol since graduation two and a half months ago (that's not such a great achievement, but for me it's a huge adjustment!) Post-exams I used to fuck around like a inebriated troglodyte, and now my heart is set on my diet and fitness, and of course, moving to Spain. My mind and thinking finally feels healthier and adjusted, my body - cleaner, fitter, and like I'm finally testing what it's capable of doing.

I've gone from being this beery lazy gin-soaked loser to...well, less of the alcohol and laziness. And I feel like I've achieved something.  I'm not fully transformed but I'm here, I'm writing this health kick blog, and I'm trying. I'm transforming, slowly but surely...

Still, I'm going out tonight. No drinks, just unadulterated fun. We'll see how that goes, in this tiny town! Have a great friday 

PS To motivate myself moreso, I've also bought this bad boy. Currently holding £22.50, £1 is put in every time I lose a pound. See how that goes, eh?

Ni luddiwyd yr awen gan erchyll law brad...

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Pumped Up Kicks

I've linked to anything I suspect you might not have heard but would definitely recommend. Some are awesome mashups, take a look!!
All the songs are listed below :) 
I bet you won't have heard this, have a peek..
United State of Pop 2009 - Dj Earworm

Hemen's Playlist
  • Tik Tok - Kesha
  • Animal - Neon Trees
  • Bang Bang Bang - Mark Ronson, MNDR & Q-Tip
  • Brimful of Asha (Norman Cook Remix) - Cornershop
  • Feel So Close - Calvin Harris
  • Cinema - Benny Benassi
  • D.A.N.C.E. - Justice
  • Dance With Me - Calvin Harris/Dizzee Rascal
  • Digital Love - Daft Punk
  • Earthquake - Labrinth/Tinie Tempah
  • Expialidocious - Pogo
  • The Fear - Lily Allen
  • Flux - Bloc Party
  • Fortunate Son - CCR
  • Gangster Tripping - Fatboy Slim
  • Giddy Stratospheres - Long Blondes
  • Good Feeling - Norwegian Recycling
  • Happiness - Alexis Jordan
  • Hello - Dragonette/Martin Solveig
  • The Hindu Times - Oasis
  • (still testing the lot below, the above all works well though)
  • I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys
  • I Decided - Solange Knowles
  • It Overtakes Me - Flaming Lips
  • The Joker - Fatboy Slim
  • Just A Day - Feeder
  • Katy On A Mission - Katy B
  • Lady (Hear Me Tonight) - Modjo
  • Let Love Be Your Energy - Robbie Williams
  • Levels - Avicii
  • A Little Less Conversation - Elvis vs JXL
  • Louder - DJ Fresh/Sian Evans
  • Love Rollercoaster - The Ohio Players
  • The Magic Number - De La Soul
  • Me And You - Nero
  • Miracles - Norwegian Recycling
  • My Sweet Lord - George Harrison
  • The New Workout Plan - Kanye West
  • The Next Episode - Dr Dre
  • Praise You - Fatboy Slim
  • Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People
  • Pure Shores - All Saints
  • Recycled Romance - Norwegian Recycling
  • Ruby - Kaiser Chiefs
  • The Salmon Dance - The Chemical Brothers ft. Fatlip
  • School Spirit - Kanye West
  • Someday - The Strokes
  • Songbird - Oasis
  • Starships - Nicki Minaj
  • Stereo Love - Edward Maya
  • Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
  • Tears Dry On Their Own - Amy Winehouse
  • Telephone - Lady Gaga Feat Beyonce Knowles
  • Titanium - David Guetta ft. Sia
  • United State Of Pop 2009 - Earworm
  • Viva La Viral - Norwegian Recycling
  • Wanna Be Mixin' Somethin' - Norwegian Recycling
  • Warriors Dance (South Central Mix) - The Prodigy
  • Warriors Dance - The Prodigy
  • We R Who We R - Kesha
  • What's the Difference? - Dr Dre et al
  • You Me & The Bourgeoisie - The Submarines
  • Just A Little - Liberty X (yeah,... forgot this was here. Embarrassing.)
  • Baba O'Riley - The Who
  • What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction (......arrrrgh. Bang goes any dignity possibly left.)
  • Beautiful Day - U2
  • Groovejet - Spiller ft Sophie Ellis Bextor
  • Spice Up Your Life - Spice Girls
  • Firestarter - The Prodigy
  • Beggin' - Madcon
  • Black Coffee - All Saints
  • Raise Your Glass - Pink
  • Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera
  • Beautiful Stranger - Madonna
  • Wings of a Dove - Madness
  • Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO
  • Love At First Sight - Kylie Minogue
  • Get Up Offa That Thing - James Brown
  • Goodbye Mr A - The Hoosiers
  • Keep On Movin - 5ive
  • Buck Rogers - Feeder
  • Are You Ready For Love - Elton John
  • Bonkers - Dizzee Rascal
  • Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows
  • Charlie Brown - Coldplay
  • I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
  • Fascination - Alphabeat

Couch to 5kay, okay dokay

If you follow me on twitter (@flelafel) then you'll know I said I was writing a post that will probably have to be heavily edited and read through very carefully.

Sounds intriguing, eh? Yeah, this post isn't it.
That other post is not so much of a progress post, like this one, but more an open debate to the floor anyway so I'll post it either tomorrow or in the next few days. Can't write now. I'm far too tired now, my brain's melted. SOOO today I began the "couch to 5k" which I said I'd start on tuesday. Missed tuesday's session so I did two sessions today, but on the cross trainer. The first session was absolutely fab, got off it feeling fine and albeit sweaty, I felt good.

I think I just went batshit mental with this second go. Like Paula Radcliffe had possessed me or something. I think it's cos I've had frustration from my spanish assistantship (won't get started on that) and driving just before, and so I channelled that energy into my cross trainer. It was incredible, I'm sure I'll feel the effects moreso tomorrow which will hurt..but in a good way I guess. (Well, that sounds too S&M)

Tomorrow I'm aiming to get one session down, even though they recommend 3 sessions per WEEK (only realised after I'd committed myself to doing the two sessions today) but if I'm too achey then friday it is.
To be fair, a few fridays ago I'd be done to the nines waking up hungover wondering where I was, so cross-training on a friday night rather than hitting the tiles is a vast improvement.

Because I am shattered and therefore lazy, I'm going to just put up my fitness playlist wot-i-done. Main criteria WAS that the BPM was a certain number. Ok, bollocks to that. I figured, I don't do fitness, so how the fuck am I going to know what songs are right for the timing? So it's a bit of an eclectic mix. A very basic criterion:

  • the absolutely CRUCIAL criteria that most of them are chosen are based on the fact purely that they make me REALLY happy e.g. Hello (Dragonette), I Decided (Solange Knowles)
  • songs I look at and go "OMFG THATS DEFINITELY GOING ON" despite it not really being appropriate e.g. The Next Episode (Dr Dre), My Sweet Lord (George Harrison - fits the above criterion too)
  • songs you can kinda bump and shake to but still not appropriate: e.g. Earthquake (Tinie Tempah), Louder (Sian Evans)
  • songs that remind you of what/who wills you to/supports you to do this e.g. Giddy Stratospheres (Long Blondes) Good Feeling (Norwegian Recycling)
  • speedy fuckers that you kinda wish you hadn't added once you get to them: e.g. I bet that you look good on the dancefloor (Arctic Monkeys), Flux (Bloc Party)
  • general shitey-but-awesome klute tune classics e.g. Dance with me (Calvin Harris/Dizzee), Low (Flo Rida)
Maybe I'll just put the whole lot up in the following post. Cos if you're doing the same, or you need a shakeup, this might inspire you! I'll put it in the next post coming right up. Good night guys Xxx

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Just a note -forgot to say...

I forgot to say, I'm now doing progress photos of my body up til I've lost this weight so that you can see how big I am now and how (hopefully) different I'll look. To be revealed at the end of all this, of course, not just yet.

Yeah, I forgot - imagine my fucking shock going through photos of the robin I took in the garden earlier while around my family and finding the beached whale. Let's just say it involved the words: in, horror, recoiled. And SHITFUCKSHIT.

Sent from my iStone

Monday, 27 August 2012

Inspire A Generation

So, weigh-in today - 3.5lb loss!

This is, for me, a great achievement because I feel back into it already! I've now lost 20.5lb and I'm just over a fifth through what I want to get achieved. And I feel fine! I got a bit worried when my weight per week was slowly getting lower and lower and last week's 1.5lb was really taking the piss. So I've altered some things in my diet, including..

  • drinking far more tea and liquids in general
  • experimenting with carbohydrates and introducing mug shots into my diet
  • Introducing 'rocky road hi-fi light bars' into my diet
  • taking yolks out of some of the eggs I have
  • kept off the mozzarella healthy extra, weirdly!
The main thing for me now, is variety and to up my game with regards to exercise. Therefore I've downloaded a 'Couch to 5k' app, which is available for iPhone and Android. It builds up your core strength over an 8 week period and trains you gradually so that you walk less and run more - eventually you're expected to run for 5k, which is fantastic!

One tweak - I'm planning to have a go at that on my cross trainer (I'm still way too wimpy to run in public, I'm afraid. I want to do it but in the comfort of my own home. I can barely jog due to stumpy legs, let alone run!). I feel the cardio will still benefit me greatly so it's not really an issue, I'd hope. I'm also keeping up the swimming as much as I can, and power walk when taking the dog out.

So, how have I developed on my aims from last week..?
  • Set myself rewards - Rewards are now positioned on the right of the blog. They've definitely spurred me on this week to lose more, and even moreso this week when I plan to begin a proper cross-training regime
  • Do the 'extra easy' plan - Well....I tried it. I really had it in my mind to, but my mind is stuck on the original plan. Having said that, this was a choice in order to incorporate carbs into my diet, which I've managed to do with mug shots (see below). I just think that since shaking up my diet with Mug Shots has worked, there's not much point really in putting in extra easy just yet. 2 days I had rice and pasta, 2 days I've had mug shots, which I don't think is too bad, it's certainly better than last week.
  • Swim More - yeah I've sucked at this this week, been once. For several reasons. If I keep up the cross training this week though, I *might* not have to go. We'll see. Last week swimming was pretty much a washout though (no pun intended)
  • Revise a 7 day plan for both Original/Extra Easy plan - did this too! Cooked one of the recipes one night and it was..odd..but nice. Odd for the fact that I don't really eat red meat, and had a beef dish. Enjoyed making it very much though. I'd say it helped me to shake up the diet (phrase that I keep using that keeps irritating me, might be irritating you too, sorry) just because I followed the recipe to the letter which meant picking up new ingredients to play with. I think I really needed that, following on from last week
  • Put together a BPM-based fitness playlist - yeah I've *begun* this but most music on my iPod is generally lively anyway so I'm getting away with it. But I've got to make it quite selective - I'm realising how many songs that pertain to love I have and/or songs that just make me feel rubbish! FAIL. Need to sort that out pronto.
  • Research Slimming World Mug Shots - yeah I researched them...turns out that they're not actually SW but just normal packets you find in shops! Whoops! They're not the greatest food, but if I want a quick small meal, they're ideal. Probably won't stay on them as a regular thing BUT if I'm going off to teach in Spain, they'd be perfect for lunchtime.
Goals for next week
  • 10/15 minute cross training sessions per day - I'm aiming for 4. Each day. I'll record it. Don't quite know if this will work out, we'll see. Or I'll hit it via the couch to 5k. Starting that tomorrow!!
  • Sift through SW magazine
  • ...and write down plan for week.
  • Buy more mug shots
  • Cut down on diet coke, drink more water - I'd cut down my diet coke by the last four days of last week, but it makes me feel uncomfortable if I have too much. Must avoid. Focus on tea/coffee/water instead, mainly tea.
  • try and keep to walking the dog once a day for the rest of the week.
When I posted my earlier post today, I said I'd been obsessing over the food side and I needed a new challenge. I am a devoted wife to a feather duvet. So that challenge has to be to up my fitness PROPERLY now.

Yes, I'm too fat to run. Yes, my legs are too stumpy and chunky. Yes, my stamina is pathetically low and it is building very slowly at the rate of a mobility scooter to everyone else's cars.

These are not excuses, they are INCENTIVES.

Inspired now. A woman can get in a boat for the first time, and win an Olympic Gold 4 years later. I can do this, I will do this.

Watch this Helen-sized space. It WILL get smaller.

Thank you for reading Xxx

I need a new challenge

Weigh-in today.

The weigh-in, well, I'm convinced I've lost this week. Why isn't it more than I'm expecting though? Unfortunately I've been slack on the cross trainer this week. I think it's time to shake it up and do intensive bursts of it. I'd do it for half an hour a day and I'd genuinely get bored. I'd chuck some telly on while on it and get easily distracted or lethargic.

The plan: 10/15minute segments stretched out in the day. Not sure how many yet, will perhaps trial 4, every day, for the next week. None tomorrow until after weigh-in cos I don't want to throw something new into the mix, so near to weigh-in. Can't risk maintaining. Desperately want to get to my next goal.

Another problem, this dieting is taking over my head, basically the cornerstone of my life, and therefore I need a new challenge to distract me from the current one. Answers on a postcard, I implore.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Eat My Goal

As I promised myself yesterday, here's my reward list for things I am entitled to treat myself to once I get to a certain goal.

I am not gonna expose my weight, as already I've documented in earlier posts, so you'll have to put up with the only way I'll ever include algebra in my day-to-day life...

X,9 Starting Weight 0lbs
X,2 7lb
X-1,9 14lbs
X-1,2 New Purse/Speakers 21lbs
X-2,9 Charm Bracelet* 28lbs
X-2,2 New bag/red angry bird plush 8" 35lbs
X-3,9 Workout shoes 42lbs
X-3,2 DKNY Be Delicious 49lbs
X-4,9 Zumba DVD/Dance Classes 56lbs
X-4,2 Spa/Massage/Photo Frame (1) 63lbs
X-5,9 Spa/Massage/Photo Frame (1) 70lbs
X-5,2 Manicure 77lbs
X-6,9 Photoshoot/Hair Colour 84lbs
X-6,2 Travel Ticket/Tablet + Ann Summers Underwear 91lbs
X-6 Piercing 93lbs

Followed by (if I have the money): a brand new wardrobe of clothes :D

So I've probably got some explaining to do.
If you follow my twitter, you'll know that I'm unemployed and I'm pretty short, and thrifty (at the moment) with money. This is why there are alternatives to some of the items, as indicated with a forward slash (please bear in mind that it's ONE reward each week). So some weeks, it might be the £6 angry bird plush (yes, I am aware I'm too old for that) or a considerably more expensive bag. It really depends where I find myself financially when I reach these targets. I figure, that also if I pace myself with how much I spend in the early days, it'll give me more to work for. So that's why some of them are actually necessities rather than rewards, but at smaller costs so that I don't spend too much!

Do the goals relate to my targets?
Some do, some don't. As I said before, some are mere necessities to push me on when the going gets tough. Some are to aid it, some to feel more confident, some as a huge end target to work towards. Some might seem a little random or unexplained so here's my reasoning behind the objects

  • New purse - Necessity
  • Speakers - Necessity, mine have just broken out of the blue!
  • Charm Bracelet - Here's an interesting idea I found...I read that someone was going to do this, and buy a charm for each 5lb lost. So I'm gonna give that a go too. Although, if it's per 5lbs, it'll probably weigh more than me when I'm done!
  • New Bag - Necessity, mine's been broken for about 18 months. Must be good quality, bulky, leathery with a huge clasp. A bag that you could hit round a face and leave a mark.
  • Red Angry Bird Plush 8" Toy - Hm. Well I'm a big kid. And it's a moneysaver I guess. Ok I just want the angry bird, don't judge me.
  • Workout Shoes - Ideally want to be running/want to have joined a gym by this point. I am obviously exercising regularly before, but remember that moment when Forrest Gump gets new trainers? There you go.
  • DKNY Be Delicious - I do love a good quality subtle perfume. Taking more pride in myself by this point and I think scent can aid that. Plus, the apple/blossom is mouthwatering!
  • Zumba DVD - I've never actually done zumba, this wasn't the best idea. But then I can dance badly in the comfort of my own home rather than like a twit with other people. Not that I have anything against dancing like a twit in public. I just prefer to be drunk when I do it, and we all know I'm teetotal.
  • Dance Classes Alternative to Zumba DVD if it's too expensive. And I might be in Spain by this point, so this could be a LOT of fun, being taught by spaniards :D
This one needs to be explained too - I'm not going to have all three of these, only the photo frame is a definite. I don't really have too much interest in the spa/massage industry, but it's something I'd like to do once in my life. But I don't know which is better, a spa day (or weekend, or whatever) or massage. Or the cost. Depending on where I am in my life, I'll work out how much I can afford. For 63lbs, I'll pick probably the photo frame, and then 70lbs, I'll probably have a spa day/weekend or massage. Depends on money and how I feel.

It's the 63lb question...
  • Photo Frame - to document this huge (literally) journey. Found a nice little one on amazon for about £9 and 8 windows that I like the look of. It'll not be for use, at this point, but something quite commemorative and personal to work towards.
  • Massage - to feel better about myself. To give myself an exhilarating treat as I get into the last stone of this weight loss.
  • Spa - as above, but just depends where I am. If I'm abroad then I'll most likely get the massage by myself.
  • Manicure - just cos...I've never had one. And it's a nice, cheapish treat which again helps me take pride in my appearance..
  • Photoshoot - Firstly, I am categorically NOT one of those people who will pay for these and then call it modelling and think I'm Kate Moss. Don't think of me as one of 'those' people. Basically, I'm not a twat and necessary weight loss isn't going to change that. I'm getting this to include something in my photo frame, but also to document this journey
  • Hair Colour - we all know I love dyeing my hair. Don't think much more needs to be said. Oh, except, probably blonde.
  • Travel Ticket - this is just so vague because there are so many places I want to go to, and I don't know what my budget will be like. My first port of calls are to go to either Maryland or the Philippines, to visit faraway friends, based on a promise to myself that I'd go and see them when I have money. If I don't have money at this stage, then I'll probably opt for a few days away in Spain or Italy (if anyone cares to join me?)
  • Tablet - There's a pretty fancy Google Nexus 7 coming out, for £159. And I haven't got anything new and shiny for a while...and my laptop's feeling old...
  • Ann Summers Underwear - hm, yeah, another thing I like is pretty underwear. I want some new ones that aren't babydolls or chemises or nightwear, I want a proper nice bra and knickers. With every fella, I've hidden behind some basque or babydoll for years now, I finally need to take down that curtain.

93lbs AKA GOAL
  • Piercing - this one's vague also. Partly because I kinda know where I'm going to get the piercing, but that people won't approve. Partly because I'm not totally sure about getting a piercing there. Let me get one thing straight, it'll something I *could* put up on social networking sites, before you get any ideas! Partly because it's a personal mark to me on my body.
The JK Rowling Reward
  • Shopping Spree - As in, it'll be a '19 years later' anti-climax probably, when I eventually get funds. But I want a new wardrobe. I mean my clothes are feeling baggier already, how is that going to feel after these next ~80lbs?? I think I deserve that much.
Thank you if you've read all of that. Please pass it on to people you know who are trying to lose a similarly huge amount of weight - I got the inspiration to write this list when I saw it blogged elsewhere, so if it inspires people to do the same and work towards mini-goals, then I'd be so glad.

I hope you continue to follow my journey. Thank you for reading!! xxx