(NB. Blog is set out to be much more interesting than this first post.)
Firstly, thank you for taking time to click the link. And welcome! Here I go about telling you who I am...and what the blog will entail My name is Helen, I'm 22 and I'm a recent graduate. Now that my commitments are tied from uni, I am now filling the student/real-life void by focussing on sorting my life in various ways, the principal and crucial one being a huge weight loss.
I'm currently following the original choice Slimming World plan, alongside exercise and completely wiping out alcohol (and having wiped out cigarettes about a year ago). I know that, since I can cut that crap out of my life, I know I can with any possible hindrances in my life!
My weight and diet will be recorded here. I won't record the precise weight, but an idea of how much I've lost. This is not down to denial, vanity if anything because I'm not proud of my weight. I hope that when I finally reach my goal, that I'll disclose this with anyone left reading. My weight loss for the week will be recorded, schedule permitting, on Monday evenings and I hope to blog in between.
I will probably divulge other bits of my life in this blog, but my main motive is to type up the progress of my weight, diet, and consequential exercise as a personal reminder to myself of why to do this, and if you wish to take something from it also then this would please me greatly. If you know anyone else who wants to lose weight, send them this way!